Today, I honor my hips and thighs and curves.
I make up for lost time… all those years where I was mad at my curves, mad at my thighs… where I lived from my chest up.
Today, I live full body. I live all the way down to my toes. I honor my beautiful hips, my rich thighs, my curves.
My bones, my flesh, my muscle.
Big or small, thin or round, I honor this body, these hips, these thighs, and these curves.
I don’t try to make them anything else. I love them. I see them as extensions of mountains and ocean waves and the moon.
I honor my hips and thighs and curves, as I walk into each room. I let them have a voice, just as much as my smarts, my mind, my ideas, my voice. I let my hips and thighs and curves speak, and I honor them, deeply, as extensions of infinite, beautiful, timeless nature.