Today, I cultivate excitement for my life.
Regardless of where I am in my life, I find something to be excited about today. I find something to delight about today.
Today, I cultivate excitement for my existence, for my surroundings, for my circumstances.
Even if there were things I wish were different, things that I long to change, I find excitement for the possibilities that await, for the dreams that are yet to come to fruition.
I cultivate excitement for the possibilities that lay dormant in my heart, awaiting awakening.
Today, I cultivate excitement for my life, regardless of what is here now. I find beautiful pieces of my world to be excited about. I let them tickle me from the inside out.
I don’t overlook the magic that is around me. I let it be effervescent, trickling up my spine, cultivating a bubbling joy and excitement for my life.
Yes!!!! This is soooo reaffirming to my approach to life today, thank you✨