Today, when something hurts, I find the courage to be with it.
I do not abandon my heart today. I do not abandon my pain or the little one inside of me, who may feel wounded or stuck in the past.
Today, when anxiety or fear or sadness or depression comes, I find the courage to be with it. I dance with it, I sing with it, I cry with it. I ask a friend for support. I reach out for help. I hold myself in this tough place.
Today, I don’t abandon my experience. I stay with it, I stay with the pain. I stay with the discomfort.
I breathe.
And I find a way to stay present in my body.
I find a way to source in love. To pray. To do what is needed for me. To stay here, because I acknowledge that this too is a part of the healing.
Amazingly relevant timing. Again!
Thank you ♥️