Today, I celebrate all of me.
I celebrate that there is no part of me to be ashamed of.
That all of me is fabulous and sacred, delicious and perfect.
That there is no standard that I need to aspire to as a human.
There is no perfection outside of myself.
Like nature, I'm ever changing, rebirthing myself, decaying, shedding, releasing, purging, opening, deepening, rooting, blossoming. And, I honor that it is all exquisite.
That even in my deepest darkest shed, even in the moments of the winter where there are no blossoms or leaves upon my trees, there's nothing to be ashamed of.
That this too, is exquisite.
This too, is incredible.
That I am not better or worse when I'm productive or rich or thinner or stronger.
That all of that is a lie.
That all of me is sacred, and beautiful in each moment of my life, each season of my life.
Today, I claim that will my full beingness.
Today, I celebrate all of me.