Today, I do hard things with courage.
I show up to the moments that I don't want to show up to.
I send that text back, I stop, and I make eye contact even when I want to look away.
I have hard conversations, and I show up to this life with courage.
I remind myself that I can sit in moments of discomfort and that I can face moments that seem nearly impossible when I access my courage.
Today, I do hard things with courage.
I look at the things I've been putting off because I didn't have the courage yesterday, and today I do them.
I look at them straight in the eye, and I do not avoid them, or escape them, but I face hard things with courage.
I can look back on the last months or years of my life and ask myself, what have I been avoiding?
What hard things could I actually turn toward today?
In thought, in deed, in action, in my spiritual life, in my emotional life, and in my relational life, what have I been avoiding?
What could I turn toward today?
Today, I remind myself that I do have courage.
Today, I remind myself that I do have the courage and that I can do hard things, and I turn towards them again and again.
*Image by Judy Chicago
Needed this reminder today! "What hard things could I actually turn toward today?" Thanks Alexandra❤️ xo Chef Carla
This is everything, eeevvverything for me right now. And also for the last five years. Ahg! But yes, still today