Today, I tread lightly upon the earth.
I notice my footprint—the space I take up with my words, with my thoughts, with my deeds, and with my actions.
I tread lightly upon this realm, making sure that everywhere I go, I leave it better. I leave it more open, more free, more alive, more cared for, and more tended to.
I tread lightly upon the earth, caring for it with my footsteps and my actions.
I notice where I've been taking, taking, and taking. And I tread lightly, and I give instead of taking.
I stop and notice where my footprint on this earth has been heavy, where it has been an energy of taking, and I make new choices and redirect so that I can leave this earth better than it was when I came, so I can leave this earth in a beautiful, healthy state for my children and grandchildren.
I make adjustments where I can, and I tread lightly upon this earth.
* Image by Moun D’Simone