Nov 26, 2022·edited Nov 26, 2022

All I wrote disappeared ...it was a long paragraph...yes getting out of pretend world is a lifesaver....

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You are connecting dots in me that at age 37...are dots I'd forgotten even existed. I've been unearthing things and transforming them (and myself) for a *long* time and I'd still never touched this particular place.

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brilliant writing. You put a voice to many aspects of my younger self who didn't know about trauma, love, acceptance, or being.

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Thank you for this, that little girl in that learned to pretend saw herself reflected in all of these words! It really is difficult and scary most times, sometimes its easier to go back to pretend. Thank you for reminding me why I said yes to this lifelong journey! 💗

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One of the best pieces of writing I have yet to encounter. Real, raw and integrated. Love love love this and YOU

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" When we commit instead to the messy and real revelation of our truth, we expand. We break down walls in our loving." beautiful my love. David

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