This is my first time here and it's amazing to read your honest and true voice, Alexandra 🌹. Inspiring and just what I needed today. Thank you!

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I love this..absolutely what I’ve been thinking about lately and ignoring what’s enough has been creating too much suffering for me. The reframe of being allowed to contemplate desiring more while ALSO recognizing and committing to the present is a game changer for me! I maybe think in black and white and have trouble with holding two things as true 😂 Thank you for this!

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This very song has been playing in my own heart for the better part of this year and I'm always so grateful for your unique, beautiful, masterful arrangements. This struck a deeply resonate, truthful chord. I cherish you!

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Thank you for another wonderful share! Since I moved out of the city, my life has become so much simpler. I have taken to sitting on my patio and watching the birds in the morning before the world gets loud. It's a delight to see how they play and move. A full fridge of fresh fruit and veg after a Sunday morning market run, gives me the greatest sense of abundance. I recently visited the city and felt confronted by the striving. Sometimes I wonder if to strive is part of a fulfilled life but I am more and more convinced that it is just the opposite.

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Yes! Well said sister, what a voice! I think about this conundrum-tension every day when life feels like a revolving door of "not-enough"

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